Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Nexus One........

It was nice nice nice.. for the first time now I m using a smart phone and its not just a smart phone it is the newest Google Nexus One with Android 2.1 build. Amazing features and smooth interactions.... And several friends requesting the phone through me since in Asia only in Singapore and Hong Kong we can order the phone. Finally I ended up with buying 5 sets within two weeks. :P
Now it s time to start writing appsssssssssssssss.......... :)

Prepairing for QE

It was a tough month so far for me. It s time to preparing for my qualifying examination for my PhD. I wrote several proposals and modifying to finalize my thesis title and the content. Now I feel the toughness of doing a PhD and it is always not enough to work hard and doing my best... It is all about do or die... But for now let us say .. so far so good.. :)

Back to business.......

It was almost 2 months where I didn't write anything here. Finally I went to KAIST YoungCT 2009 in South Korea and it was very nice experience. I like their culture as well as their food...... The conference was held in a ski resort in down town Seoul. Specially, I saw real snow for the first time in my life :)
I presented Poetry research work their and it was a nice experience at the end.
Then the Siggraph time.... Although this time it was bit relaxed since I engaged with only one submission and that one also there were many members to work with. Finally i hope it was a success and will see....