Wednesday, September 30, 2009

First Blog Post

Welcome on Board

Hmmm, From several years I have been thinking of starting a new blog. I found a great name as related to my research as well in my graduate studies, so I ended up with, and just bought the domain name from the Google itself.

Readers are welcome on board to my blog and most of the times I will be writing the things related to my researches and things during my studies here in Singapore.

Bit about me: I m Nimesha Ranasinghe, originally from Sri Lanka and doing my graduate studies in National University of Singapore at mixed reality lab.
My research interests are mainly focuses on Interactive Media and Interactive communication. In addition, i have been interesting on Mixed and Augmented reality, Mobile and Embedded Systems, and Human Computer Interaction as well. I have a Computer Science background and graduated from Faculty of Information Technology, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.

Hope you ll enjoy my postings !!!!